Tuesday 19 August 2014

Viking Gods Presentation

Chris, Charlie and Ana's Presentation

Viking gods
The vikings worshipped many pagan gods. The gods each had a different personality.

Odin was the ruler of the gods,the ruler of magic,poetry and war.
Odin gave his eye to gain more knowledge.
The name Wednesday comes from Odin’s day.

Loki is the god of fire.
He can change shape of things around him.
He could trick gods to give them their weapons

Thor is the son of Odin.
Thursday originally meant Thors day.
Thor was very popular with
the Vikings, they often wore
his hammer pendant around
their neck.
By Chris, Charlie and Ana

Rebekah and Hugh's Presentation

Goddesses and Gods
Freyja was goddess of love and fertility.
Freyja wept in golden tears then she was unhappy.
The vikings believed that the gods ruled the world.

God of Plenty,
Freyjas twin brother travelled in a boat big enough to hold all of the gods but which also folded up and could fit in his pocket.

The original god of war and the patron god of justice, before Odin
He is the boldest of the gods, who inspires courage and heroism in battle.
Tyr was a man with one hand, because his right hand was bitten off by the gigantic wolf.
Tuesday used to be called Tyrs Day.

Published by Rebekah and Hugh.

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