Monday 23 February 2015

Winnie the Witch character descriptions.

We chose Winnie the Witch as the focus for our character descriptions because she is such an interesting character with a truly unique personality, and the books are so fun to read!
 Winnie the Witch

Winnie the witch is a kind, intelligent and coo coo crazy witch.  she looks like a young granny. Winnie wears black lipstick, a blue t-shirt and a purple cape. She has white bracelets on her wrists. Winnie has a magical wand that she carries around the place and a red pointy nose. Winnie the witch waves her wand in the air like she doesn’t care. She also rides her pumpkin helicopter.
She says, “Abracadabra!”,  “Sorry wilbur,” and  “I know what to do I should get my spell book.” She is like a normal witch but… she does not have potions. I think she is ridiculously crazy.
By Charlie Down

Winnie the witch is a crazy and excited witch. She flies her broom everyday. Although she flies her broom, she always can make time for more fun and adventures. Winnie the witch has fizzy dark hair and broken sharp teeth. Even though she looks scary, she is wonderful on the inside. Everyday Winnie throws on ripped and torn clothes. Winnie often stands on Wilber the cat and Wilber screams and meows. Everyday she likes to learn new stuff. Something Winnie always says is, “Blithering bits!” when something wrong happens. Winnie is a delightful witch with amazing ideas. I like Winnie the witch because she is always funny and she gets into a bit of mischief.

By Isabella

Winnie the witch is a cool friendly witch.
She normally wears a purple coat with a blue dress, even though it can be very hot!!! Winnie the witch has a pale face, although she has a very red nose! Her black hair is as dark as a thundery sky but unfortunately it is turning grey!!!
Even though she is kind and thoughtful she is always getting into trouble with her spells. Although she loves all vegetables, pumpkin is definitely her favourite!!! Winnie the witch’s favourite word probably would be “ABRAKADABRA!!!”  and she is always shouting “WILBER!!!” (Winnie the witch’s cat) Winnie the witch is a little bit coo coo crazy.
Winnie the witch is my favourite witch!!!

By Sylvie

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