Monday 18 August 2014

Viking Food Presentation

Our topic for the rest of the term is all about the Vikings! Last week the children worked in groups of 2 or 3 to become experts on a part of Viking life! This week each group will be presenting what they have learnt to the class and answering any questions the other children might have. First up was Aaron, Tim and Jasmine. Here is the video and the text of their presentation.

Viking Food from Naomi on Vimeo.

  • Viking food
  • The viking ate goats, cows and sheep meat.
  • Vikings caught seals, walrus and many types of fish. They used arrows to catch food.
  • The viking also ate nuts, herbs, mushrooms, garlic and  berries.
  • The viking drank from wooden  horns.
  • The viking caught fish to eat.
  • The farmers grew wheat, barley, rye, peas, cabbages, leeks, turnips and beans
  • They had fruit such as apples, plums, blackberries and berries
  • They milked the cows to get the milk to make cheese
  • The viking had feasts and the women would set it all up and later on the men would chat and eat.
By TIM Aaron and Jasmine

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