Friday 5 September 2014

Richmond Reading Group

Luke, Mckenzie and Rebekah are 3 of the 7 menbers of the Mount Richmond reading group. This term they have been reading a book called The Familars. Each week they read 1-2 chapters and then complete a "Thinker's Key" activity, which encorages them to, "think outside the square!"

Here's Luke, Mckenzie and Rebekah to explain what the book is about.
There's 3 animals (Familars): a bird called Skylar, a cat called Aldwyn and a frog called Gilbert. They are all magic. The Queen turns evil and tries to kill the animals' Loyals (Loyals are the owners of the Familiars.) The animals' mission is to find their Loyals, who are in the Sunken Palace being held captive by a Seven Headed Hydra.  It's interesting and it's different. It's stuependous! It's a mix of funny and normal!

1 comment:

Kerry Hamilton said...

What a lovely photo and great explanation of the book. I have been hearing all about it at home. Luke and I are currently reading 'To be a cat' and I am really enjoying it. Luke enjoyed it in class so wanted to read it together at home. Perhaps, we may have to make 'The Familars' our next book together! Keep up the good work Richmond Readers. I have been wondering whether it would be cool to start a book club and meet at lunch once a month to discuss books that you have been enjoying?? I might just have to get moving and organise one!