Thursday 18 September 2014

Lettie, the trainee guide dog

On Monday we had a visit from a trainee guide dog, 4 month old Lettie, who is a gorgeous golden labrador. Her "walker" Sue came too and told us all about how a puppy becomes a guide dog for a blind person. Lettie spends the first year of her life with Sue, learning how to behave in all sorts of places that a dog can't normally go. When she is a year old she spends 4 months with a trainer and then she is ready for her job as a guide dog. The children had some great questions prepared which Sue answered. We learnt heaps from the visit and LOVED meeting Lettie. This week we have been doing a diary, from Lettie's point of view, using some of the information we learnt.
A day in the life of lettie the trainee guide dog
I wake up after a cosy sleep. Like usual I  bark and bark till my owner wakes up.
I start running round the house like crazy until my owner feeds me.
I beg my owner to take me to town. She takes me to the park with my sister and we jump and frolic around.
We walk to the movies and on the way there is a boy who drops his lollipop and I race and I start licking  it. The boy starts crying and my owner gives me the “bad face.”
We watch the movie and I hate it. It is sad.  it is about a dog  who didn’t like it when his owner left him at home. So once when they left him at home he escapes and tries looking for them but the dog pound finds him and puts him in the dog foster home. I am crying when the movie finishes.
I have lunch then I sit in the sun and go off to sleep.
By Tim

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