Wednesday 10 September 2014

More Wonderful Narratives

By Will

I was determined to catch a huge animal to show that I was not weak. All the other boys teased me because I was the smallest and the weakest out of all the boys in the village. I had caught only a midget sized lime green slimy frog. Suddenly a monkey grabbed the frog straight out of my hands. Then a huge tongue grabbed the monkey.  It was a huge chameleon and it was three times the size of a horse. The chameleon pulled the monkey up by its tail. I threw my spear at the annoying monkey and I hit it. Thick, warm, blood oozed out and dripped on the jungle floor like drops of rain. The chameleon dropped the monkey into my net. Then the friendly chameleon picked me up with its coiled tail and put me on its back. “What’s happening!” I yelled as the chameleon leapt into the air and caught a parrot in its super sticky tongue and put it in my net. “Wow!” I said as the chameleon put a huge elephant in my net, then a rhinoceros, then a crocodile, a tiger and a lion. The chameleon put all the animals into my net. 
Suddenly the chameleon ran the speed of a jet plane and leapt into the air. We were diving through the trees we stopped suddenly just before the ground. Squawk! A bird was alarmed that something had been caught in the hunters net. I heard the hunters feet pounding on the ground. I did not know what to do- it was either to cut the chameleon’s head off and everyone would respect me and I won’t be the weak small one anymore. Or I could cut the chameleon out of the net. Whatever I was going to do I had better do it quickly. I had an idea. I could put all the animals that me and the kind chameleon caught and put it out on the jungle floor and the hunters would think that that was the net they set. 
I cut the chameleon out and ran away. I could hear the hunters celebrating. I could hear twigs snapping and trees and bushes rustling. I wondered what it was. It was my friend the chameleon come back for me! The chameleon put its tail out and I climbed up it onto its back. The chameleon bounded into the air and ran away with me on his back, deeper into the jungle. He was taking me to where he lived and I was going to live with him.I was didn't want to go back to the rubbish village where everyone would tease me because all the other boys would of caught something bigger than a tiny frog.

Toki And The Chameleon
By Mckenzie
Toki stood in a Tropical rainforest looking for an animal to shoot dead. He aimed his spear at a small frog but he missed. Toki wanted to shoot a huge animal so he wouldn’t get laughed at day after day. Toki has pale skin and brown hair with bright blue eyes. “This is hard work,” Toki said aloud. 

Toki thought he heard something breathing. Please don’t eat me, Toki thought desperately. Toki poked the giant fierce looking beast in the eye and then he jumped backwards so that the cameleon couldn’t bite his head off. The chameleon turned around and swung Toki around and on to his huge back. 

The chameleon started to run and Toki screamed. The chameleon caught a little wombat and gave it to Toki. Toki soon realised that the chameleon wasn’t trying to eat him, he was just trying to help him to find more animal heads. The chameleon had a coiled tail, big googly eyes and a long sticky tongue. Toki’s friend chameleon caught a crocodile and passed it over to Toki. Within a minute the chameleon had given Toki a brown furry bear, a striped orange and black tiger and a grey leathery  elephant. “ Faster faster!” shouted Toki,“come on!” The cameleon sped up and jumped down the side of the mountain. The cameleon hung in a net in a tree and he shouted “HHHEEELLLPPP TOKI HHHEEELLLPPP!” Toki fell to the ground with a loud bump. 

Toki thought for a couple of minutes  and then said,“ Yes I will help you.” The other hunters rushed in and tried to kill the chameleon but Toki was too quick for them. He grabbed a sharp spear and cut open the net. The chameleon wrapped his scaly tail around Toki and put him on his back. “YAHOO!” shouted Toki “THIS IS AWESOME!” The chameleon laughed loudly while they were running away.

Toki And The Giant Chameleon
By May
Toki was finding an animal that was way bigger than him to fit on his head. All that he had killed so far was a teeny weeny frog. Then Toki saw a giant colourful chameleon. “H h h hello,” whispered Toki. The chameleon grabbed Toki with his tail. “Aaahh!’’ screamed Toki. “Hey this is awesome!” he said as the chameleon started running through the forest.‘’Wwwweeeee!’’  The chameleon gave Toki a bird to put on his head. After that the chameleon started giving Toki lots of animals. Toki put the animals in his net. The chameleon did a huge jump. “Woooow!” screamed Toki. But the chameleon accidentally fell into a humongous net. Toki thought of an idea, “Uuummmm,” said Toki to himself, “Should I cut off his head or rescue him?” Then Toki could hear hunters coming. Thump! Thump! Thump! Quickly Toki cut the net and hid behind some bushes with the chameleon, leaving the animals that he was going to put on his head. Then he ran off on the chameleons back.    

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