Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bucket Filler or Bucket Tipper?

Today in the Life Education Bus Geneveive taught us about Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers
  Bucket Fillers:
Hayden: Help people if they get hurt.
Teri: Do a job for their mum
Hunter: Help someone if they are hurt in a game, even if they are in the other team
Meila: Share with their friends.
Pieta: Are kind to each other
Baxter: Say to someone, "You look very nice today!"
Louie: Show the Witherlea School Values.
Sylvie: Help their friends with work when they are struggling.
Sophie: Let people play with them.
Emma: Stand up for their friends.
Grace: They include people in their group.
Ayla: Move out of the way when someone needs to get through
Bede: Do helpful things without being asked.
Sam: Fill other peoples buckets and theirs.
Bucket Dippers...
Maddy: Don't let people join in to their game.
Harrison: Tell on people just to get them in trouble.
Keeton: Say mean stuff to people.
Jackson: Take other people stuff without asking.
Logan: Push people over.
Baylee: Push into the line.
Charlie: Pull pranks on people that makes people feel silly.
Dontae: hit people
Ayden: hurt people a lot.
Isaac: Kick people
Seth: Push people and laugh at them.
Mya: Say things like, "I hate you."

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