Tuesday 30 June 2015

Kowhai Mural

Here is Emma helping to create a new mural for Kowhai Syndicate, with Mieke, who was the artist who created some of the other beautiful murals around the school. Mieke will be producing a mural for each syndicate during the next 2 terms- we are lucky to be the first!

Cross Country Champions!

Well done Room 18 on a fantastic effort in today's Cross Country and great to see so many parents there supporting the kids! I got so excited that I completely forgot to take any photos so if anyone has any then please mail me with them and I will add them to this post! Here's one I was sent of Logan and Louie going head to head! There wasn't any distance between them at all, which is why they were joint third place!!! Well done boys :-)

Friday 26 June 2015

Assembly Item

Thanks to Mrs Renfrew for sending me this photo she took of Room 18's Assembly Item. The art looked really fantastic- well done guys! And another thank you to Mrs Smith and also to our wonderful Room 15 friends :-)

Thursday 25 June 2015


This week we have been looking at how we can sort shapes by their properties. Here are the Venn Diagrams the children made.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Another Dancing Champion in Room 18!

Mya did so well in her Highland Dance competition- these are just a few of the prizes she won!

Monday 22 June 2015

Cross Country!

Today we had a syndicate practise for cross country , which is next Tuesday afternoon. Hope lots of you can make it!

Dancing Star!

Wow! Look at how well Emma did in her dance competition at the weekend! aren't the costumes amazing and look at all those prizes she won! All the kids in Room 18 are really proud of you! :-)

Friday 19 June 2015


I'm so glad that I was back at school in time to catch the Strike percusssion performance. They were amazing!! Here they are with some of the lucky students who got chosen to join in.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bucket Filler or Bucket Tipper?

Today in the Life Education Bus Geneveive taught us about Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers
  Bucket Fillers:
Hayden: Help people if they get hurt.
Teri: Do a job for their mum
Hunter: Help someone if they are hurt in a game, even if they are in the other team
Meila: Share with their friends.
Pieta: Are kind to each other
Baxter: Say to someone, "You look very nice today!"
Louie: Show the Witherlea School Values.
Sylvie: Help their friends with work when they are struggling.
Sophie: Let people play with them.
Emma: Stand up for their friends.
Grace: They include people in their group.
Ayla: Move out of the way when someone needs to get through
Bede: Do helpful things without being asked.
Sam: Fill other peoples buckets and theirs.
Bucket Dippers...
Maddy: Don't let people join in to their game.
Harrison: Tell on people just to get them in trouble.
Keeton: Say mean stuff to people.
Jackson: Take other people stuff without asking.
Logan: Push people over.
Baylee: Push into the line.
Charlie: Pull pranks on people that makes people feel silly.
Dontae: hit people
Ayden: hurt people a lot.
Isaac: Kick people
Seth: Push people and laugh at them.
Mya: Say things like, "I hate you."

Monday 15 June 2015

Life Education

Today we visited the Life Education bus. We learnt about a boy called Billy who was starting a new school. 

Thursday 11 June 2015

Mystery Key!

For the writing task this week the children had to imagine that they were standing in front of a mystery door or chest. In their hand they hold a strange key. The first 2 paragraphs had to describe first the door and then the key. In the third paragraph the children had to imagine what happened when they opened the door or the chest.

Cross Country Practice

Aren't we lucky to have such a beautiful park right next to us, where we can practise for Cross Country? And what a perfect sunny winter's day to be out and about!!

Parallel Circuits

Today's electricity task was to make a parallel circuit using one battery and 2 bulbs. The next challenge was to incorporate switches that could turn off each bulb, leaving the other on. Here are the results.