Thursday 22 May 2014

The Mystery Key

This weeks writing task was to describe a key that I found in my garden, then imagine what sort of door, gate or box it might open, and what might be inside the box or on the other side of the door! Our focus was using lots of interesting and descriptive vocabulary- which we call "Wow words."

A Special Key
By Mckenzie 

Once Mrs Anderson was digging in her garden when she hit something that sounded like metal. Mrs Anderson kept digging and she found a key. 

The mysterious key had two semi circles at the end and it also had two finger slots, so that it was easy to hold onto. 
It was a rusty metalic key with lots of scratches all over it. When you hold the key up to the rays of sunlight, it changes from rusty grey and brown to glittery purple and pink and when you hold it up to a rain cloud, it changes to a bluey-green colour.

The key unlocks a secret passage way into a magical forest. The door is made of plants and trees. The secret forest is called The Enchanted Forest. The lock on the plant door is shaped like a firefly and is a bluish colour with golden stars on it. 

Inside the Enchanted Forest there are elf singers, giant singers, fluttering fireflies and best of all a king unicorn.

The Old Key
By Carter

The rusty key was a very very dark brown and it felt bumpy like ash but a lot smaller. It had three circles at the top and a puzzled shaped bottom.

 I found a door and I tried the key in it. Creek! The door opened and I found a long passageway and it led to a massive island that was full of coconut trees and sand. It must of been at least 100 degrees there. I was melting but luckily I brought a drink of water.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great writing Carter!