Sunday 30 March 2014

Rapid Writing- Kowhai trip

The children have been publishing their Rapid Writing about the Kowhai Hike onto a document in their Drives. Here are the first 2 completed. Hopefully there will be more on the blog during this week!

All Aboard!

We all leapt on the long train. People were chatting and the guard waved the green flag. Next the train started to roll along the old tracks and started to speed up. Some kids kept chatting; others desperately held onto their bags. Then the train came to a halt. I flew forwards and next the engine swapped sides of the train. We started up again and then I had a feeling that we were racing the Taylor River

By Luke

The burnt tree

When I saw the big, black,  burnt,  interesting Charcoal tree I was shocked.Itwas like a fire burnt it. It had bits of wood sticking out everywhere. It was one of my favourite things there. By the charcoal tree there were lots of chestnuts. The chestnuts were so smooth and clear. The chestnuts came out of spiky balls that pricked you. I would have liked to see a sign of it with interesting facts like how long it was there for. It was spectacular, strange and interesting.

By Tim

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Tim, It was great to read your wonderful Writing! We can see that you have worked hard at using very good describing words and Also a good strong verb such as 'shocked'. We could picture the tree and the chestnuts. Well done! Love from Grandma and Grandpa.