Monday 31 March 2014

Fun with Mr Holmes!

Have a look at what Room 18 got up to with Mr Holmes today, on his blog.

Last swim of the summer!

To celebrate our last swim in the school pool, we had some horse races with the noodles!

Sunday 30 March 2014

Rapid Writing- Kowhai trip

The children have been publishing their Rapid Writing about the Kowhai Hike onto a document in their Drives. Here are the first 2 completed. Hopefully there will be more on the blog during this week!

All Aboard!

We all leapt on the long train. People were chatting and the guard waved the green flag. Next the train started to roll along the old tracks and started to speed up. Some kids kept chatting; others desperately held onto their bags. Then the train came to a halt. I flew forwards and next the engine swapped sides of the train. We started up again and then I had a feeling that we were racing the Taylor River

By Luke

The burnt tree

When I saw the big, black,  burnt,  interesting Charcoal tree I was shocked.Itwas like a fire burnt it. It had bits of wood sticking out everywhere. It was one of my favourite things there. By the charcoal tree there were lots of chestnuts. The chestnuts were so smooth and clear. The chestnuts came out of spiky balls that pricked you. I would have liked to see a sign of it with interesting facts like how long it was there for. It was spectacular, strange and interesting.

By Tim

Thursday 27 March 2014

We love your comments!

Your comments on our blog are really appreciated- so please feel free to get involved and make some comments. I've copied a comment from Kerry Hamilton, (Luke's mum) here, to ensure that all the children get to see it, although usually the comments appear at the end of a post and also in the comments section of the sidebar.

WOW Room 18 - who can believe that it is nearly the end of term 1? I am really impressed with how much you have done and achieved. You should be super proud of yourselves! I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all the helpers prior to the gala that helped carry the donations to the storage room - we really appreciated it. Keep up the great work and I look forward to see more of your adventures on your blog. 

More Slideshows!



Tuesday 25 March 2014

Phoenix Writing- Retelling a story

 I am a wonderful Phoenix soaring through the air.  All I hear is a BANG!  Then I see this razor sharp stick coming at me. Ahh!!! I fall through the white clouds that look like candy floss.  Then I feel this piece of wood and I burst into flames “My feathers!” I say.  “Why is this happening to me? why?”
By Ella

I was soaring through the sky as a magical, gold Phoenix should.  The sun was shining brightly in the beautiful blue sky.  I flew past clouds and airplanes but then I flew past a terrific ancient flying ship!  I saw a man on the ship.  He was looking at me.  The front of the amazing ship came charging at me like an angry bull. A sharp arrow came at me. It was so painful and I was petrified. I was very disappointed I couldn’t live longer.
By Ana

Friday 21 March 2014

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Fun Day Out!

I was very proud of Room 18 today. They were well behaved, took part enthusiastically in all the activities and showed consideration towards each other and the adults. After spending the day out with them today, I feel sure that we are going to have a great time at our Pine Valley camp in 3 weeks time!

Monday 17 March 2014

Fun in the Pool!

It was a beautiful sunny day today and 25 degrees in the pool; just the right temperature for cooling off after a hot lunchtime. The kids did some relay races and then had some free time. We'll carry on swimming until Mr Western decides it's time to close the pool, so keep sending your kids in with their togs on Mondays and Tuesday. Don't worry, if it's too cold in or out of the pool, they won't go in.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Aaron's slideshow about Nelson Lakes National Park- this is my favourite park too!

I apologise for the poor resolution of these slideshows, which I am aware of. However, your child is welcome to take their memory stick home to show you, or, if you do not have an Apple Mac at home, then you are very welcome to come into Room 18, to view it on one of our classroom computers.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Pine Valley Behaviour Agreement!

This week our writing focus is all about Pine Valley. Yesterday the class wrote about their prior knowledge about Pine Valley Camp and the surrounding environment. Today we thought about we think people should behave around camp, to ensure that everyone has a happy, enjoyable and safe time. I have collected everyone's ideas together and this will be put into the children's camp books.

New Slideshows from Charlie, Carter, Ella, Tim, Andrew, Alyssa and Ana.

Thursday 6 March 2014

My Favourite Park.

Here is the first slideshow completed. Well done Rebekah! Didn't she do a great job! I will put all completed slideshows up here as they are finished and checked, and the children can also bring them home on their memory sticks, to share with you in a better resolution, if they wish.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek on PhotoPeach

Carefully, I crouched down into my spectacular, green bush. Gently, I wrote down how to describe my great spot. Meanwhile I tried to keep as still as giant statue. Suddenly, Mrs Anderson came our way and she found Will. My sticky big bush covered a lot of me. Mrs Anderson said, “Is that red or is that my imagination?” Nervously, I lay down without moving a tiny bit. In my head I said, “Oh no!” Then I sadly got found. 
 By Tim

 Mrs Anderson said, “Go!” so I ran like lightning across the hard concrete courts, into the little kids playground and I hid under the tiny little bench in the middle. Then I squeezed into my hiding spot. The ground was hard concrete and it was dark. All I could hear was silence, then Mrs Anderson finding someone and a clicking sound that was my teeth smashing together. My heart beat was going a hundred miles an hour. Footsteps were coming closer and closer.... 
By Will 

 Nervously, I sprinted to my hiding spot. I fell out of it but I got back in my hiding spot. It was uncomfortable. I heard Tim say, “I can see them!” “Oh no!” I said. I heard Mrs Anderson and Mrs Flood talking. Mrs Flood found Mckenzie and then she found me. 
By Aaron

Sunday 2 March 2014

Balancing Act!

Friday with Mr Holmes was all about balance. Check out these photos.