Thursday 27 February 2014

Topic-tastic Thursday!

We've been getting to grips with our topic- Our Parks, Our Place- today. First of all we went to Harling Park with Room 15 and had to buddy up and go on a picture hunt to answer questions about the features of Harling Park. Then we sat at the tea house and made a plan of what we could see. In the afternoon we delivered a Harling Park survey to the houses along Upper Weld Street and Mountain View Road. The other classes in the Kowhai Syndicate are also delivering surveys to different streets  around our school. We want to find out who is using Harling Park, what they are using it for and what they like about it. We also want to know if they have any suggestions for how it could be improved. We can't wait to find out the results!

Mail Delivery! on PhotoPeach

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