Monday 24 February 2014

Grandma McGarvey Character Descriptions

We've enjoyed reading the Grandma McGarvey books over the last couple of weeks, and last week the children wrote a character description of Grandma McGarvey. Here are 3 fantastic ones!

Grandma McGarvey is an outdoor person. She wears a skirt that is purple and a T-shirt that is red. Her face is all wrinkly and chubby and her tummy is very fat. Grandma McGarvey says, “What should we I do today?” She doesn’t sit down on a chair knitting. 
By Georgie

 Grandma McGarvey is a magnificent 90 year old lady that is always on the run. She is very funky and adventurous. Everything has to be exciting for her. Whether it’s sky diving or jumping off the highest diving board, she can do anything. She wears funky stripy and colourful clothes, with dull grey hair that is all frizzy. Her skin is all wrinkly and baggy. She says things like, “I’m bored!” and “Can you do me a favour?” also “That was fun.” She always goes wild and loves doing crazy things. She is amazing. 
By Ana

 Grandma McGarvey is a fat adventurer and sometimes goes completely bonkers. She has an awesome dog. She wears funky creepy clothes and is different. She has got grey curly hair and has glasses. “Give me my sausages.” is something she says. She plays swimming and rugby. That’s brilliant. 
By Carter

1 comment:

Kerry Hamilton said...

I love these descriptions - the books sound like they would be full of fun and excitement. It makes me really keen to read some of the books! Well Done :)