Sunday 16 February 2014

If I had a Thousand Dollars....

We did our first "Rapid Writing" session this week. The children have 10 minutes to write on a topic- hopefully one that will spark their imagination! They write in silence and this encourages total concentration. The aim of Rapid Writing is to increase the speed with which the children can get their ideas down on paper and to help them see that they can have fun with their writing!

I would get all the kids a new playground. I would buy Mum and Dad a cat as well as a dog. I would buy lots of Lotto tickets for my family and friends. I would pay Mum’s bills. I would also buy a little kid a toy. I would also get Mum, Dad and James a 4 story house. I would pay my cousin Dylan’s piano lessons. I would even pay my bill for school. But most of all get my brother whatever he wants.
By Alyssa

I would buy my brothers a huge ball that opens in half so that they can catch creepy crawlys in it and when they have caught heaps, they can take off the lid very carefully and climb inside it and run around like a hamster on a hamster wheels. If they found some water snails they would have to fill it up with water and then they wouldn’t be able to give them a ride. Sometimes went hey want them to get out they have to open it and the water would flood the garden.

By Mckenzie

1 comment:

Kerry Hamilton said...

Such thoughtful ideas both McKenzie and Alyssa. I bet McKenzie's brothers would love the opening ball for the creepy crawlies - I am not sure I would though!