Wednesday 20 November 2013

Designing gadgets for Agent X

We received another message from the mystery agent this week, which led the class on a hunt around the school for clues to a secret location!

 I am Agent X. I was impressed by the letters that you left for me. You sound like highly experienced agents, who possess useful skills and dangerous gadgets. However, before I consider revealing my true identity to you, I am going to set you another mission. Hidden around the school grounds are parts of a clue, which, when put together, will lead you to a secret code and coded letter. Use the code to decipher the message and find out your next task.

Good Luck

Agent X
Read on to find out about the gadgets that the children invented:

Agent 24Q reporting to Agent X.
I have just designed another spy gadget called the bow and arrow. If you shoot it at someone or something, it will stick to the person or the thing. when it is fully stuck, you put on some special glasses and they will tell you everything about them. This gadget is useful for a mission where you have to find a case full of money. It’s also useful for seeing if they have been a criminal before you let them in your team. 


The lipstick-inator is a powerful gadget. first of all it is made for a girl to use. At the top, you can pretend to put lipstick on but in actual fact you're talking into a walkie talkie. If you look down in the middle of it there will be two buttons and if you press the right button then at the bottom of the gadget there will be a pencil, taser and a camera. On the left side if you press that button it will turn into a unique gun that shoots acorns. Near the bottom of the gadget is a square button. now, if you press it a pear pad will come out handing you info about someone you're tracking down. This gadget is good for most missions. You can only buy this at the vip agent bar in christchurch for $1000.

Spy gadget kitty!
hello once again, dear agent X, your gadget that I have made for you will excite you the most. It is the new spy gadget: kitty!
Its features are:
  • the whiskers are filled with venom and the chemicals in stink bombs.
  • Stuffed in the belly of the kitty there are all of the highly deadly gadgets and are all suited for the nearly impossible missions.
  • Crammed in the tail there are a wide selection of types of cameras,  fake things with speakers in and potions with a secure lid on which contain poisonous spells.
  • Its mouth has a camera  which can adjust to any direction including upwards if someone from above is trying  ambush you and you can take photos or videos.
  • On the outside of the  spy kitty there is a creamy coat with pink ears, with some silver and grey.
  • It’s mouth is blood red and white with pretend paper teeth.
  • You can slip it into a big bag if you want. If you want you can set it on  sleep mode,  sneak mode, flight mode and you can set its head on a different angle.
  • the cat can clear anything out of its path. there will be  cream coloured buttons which you press on all  the places where you will find the gadgets.
I hope you will love my gadgets and take me on your missions. Thanks!

From Agent wolfshadow!

Spy kitty!

The secret gadget

Hi Agent X, this is Agent Tiger. This gadget  should help  you on your missions.
My gadget  is a real mouse, that’s been made more highly useful with more equipment and gadgets. It can cut through metal walls with its blue laser and fly with his solar powered jet pack. It has a camera hidden in his eye, and a fairly small  2000 volt taser on his back, with a light  that is an x-ray on his tail. To connect with him, use a speaker that connects to his ear buds.

You can use this mouse on any mission- just speak to him through the speaker. Just use English, as the
mouse has been programmed  to understand English.

Thanks and please reply when you have heard the message Agent X


The yzk-346 has a tracking device in the bullet. You can use it on all kinds of missions. it is silent. it comes with an ear bud
so you can also hear them. there is a new feature.  with a flick of a switch, it turns into a little 10 cent coin. you would buy it is $10,000,000,000,000, but for you it is free. you buy it at spy industries.

The Tagger

Dear Agent,
Hi it is Sparky here.
I have designed you the most fantastic gadget to use when you go out of town. The Tagger has 2 microphones, so you can record evidence, a laser to  cut down bushes, so you can make traps, and a camera with a tracking device. If you pull the trigger on the laser twice, the camera will came out and if you pull the trigger three times, the microphones will come out. Agents can buy this for now for $100 but I will give you it for free.

by Sparky

Spy Earing
The spy earing is a gadget that is used for communicating with other spy people.
The portal will help you transport to another place you need to go, eg., another country, a place you're close to, or even going place to place to confuse an attacker! The pinholes are the speakers and the little brown things on the left and the right is the microphone. And of course the big circle is the portal button which blends  onto the earing. what you need to do if you can not find the button is to feel for it!

Thank you

Kitty KAtswell

Thank you for accepting our request.
here is our team code: 72p98t

My Agent Gadget.

To Agent X, this is my spy gadget. It is called the spy bug. It can see every move that you do and it’s eye shoots a sleep laser. It can take pictures and it also can fly. It can work anywhere that you can imagine. You fly it by remote control. People think it is a bug but they are wrong!   

By Ethan

Swish Watch

My gadget’s label says Swish. it is a watch with sleeping darts, hover grams, arm lock and tracking devices. it looks like your everyday  boring old watch. it comes in female version and male version. it can turn itself invisible to avoid detection, whenever you twist the top. it is connected to every person in the world’s phone.  You swipe your finger  on the very top, then the world’s best scope will pop up.                
Agent Stancer  

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