Tuesday 12 November 2013

Owen and Georgia's Secret Agent Writing

Dear agent X,

We are Agent Spitfire and Agent Scar.

Name: Scar
My specialties are hacking into rooms and computer systems.

Name: Spitfire.
My specialties are tracking down people and killing them.

We had heard of a Russian spy group called the Black Jacks. They had come up with a secret formula called io2.  This formula can take over human minds and give them super strength that will activate peoples minds to take over the world.  The Russians had the idea of putting io2 in pizzas so humans could not see the formula and the formula was disguised as tomato paste.  It was up to us to stop it. back then, I  had I had my backup spy agent Scar; she was a bit dodgy but she was fine.  We had tested the formula on one of the civilians we had captured and it seemed perfectly fine but the formula kicks in about an hour later. that was the mission and we caught the Russian Black Jacks and we succeeded  in our mission.           
Agent Spitfire and I think we should be able to come to a mission because we are skilled agents and we are very flexible agents.  We can both kill and hack into computer systems and we are very stealthy.  We have lots of useful gadgets and gizmos and that’s not even the end of our list. We have many more gadgets but I better not talk about that- we are here to talk about our career.  So agent x do we have a deal?????!

Sincerely yours,

Agent Spitfire and Agent Scar

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