Tuesday 12 November 2013

Bonnie and Saxon's Secret Agent Writing

Dear Agent X,

My name is agent Tiger and my secretary is Kitty Katswell.  We have been training for 10 years and we’re are highly trained. We are flexible agents. Agent Tiger can hack any device possible.
Agent kitty katswell has been in gymnastics for 10 years so she is very skilled.  she is 21. Agent Tiger is 25. Agent Kitty Katswell has a huge scar over her eye. Agent Tiger has 2 swords  and 5 gadgets on him.
Agent Kitty Katswell has 500,000 gadgets.  We have been on a  deadly mission against robots and other spy people.  we fought until we almost defeated all of them, to get a formula that takes over people's minds. we got it and left without a trace.
we will give you our code once you accept our
thank YOu
Agent Tiger and Kitty katswell      

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