Wednesday 15 March 2017

The Snail and the Whale

We are looking at WOW words this week. Wow words are words,  phrases or similes, that POP out of the page, making our writing interesting and exciting to read and stopping the reader from falling asleep. As part of our Wow words focus we read The Snail and The Whale, which is a fantastic story full of amazing descriptive vocabulary.

These are the descriptive sentences that the children wrote about why the other snails should also climb on the whale's tail:

James C: The snails should go on a spectacular adventure, so they can see the exciting things that he saw.

Grace: The snails should go with the whale because they would get an amazing, magical view of the big, blue world.

Kate: The snails should go because they might want to see the dangerous animals and the flaming volcanoes.

Emmy: I think that they should go because they can see the shining water and the slippery, soft dolphins.

Makai: I think they should go so they can see the amazing things that they haven't seen before, like   what their friend the tiny snail saw, and instead of being slow and not traveling much, they can go fast around the smooth, blue ocean, in the wind.

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