Thursday 24 November 2016

Things my mum says to me....

Today for our Quick Write the children wrote a list of the things that their mum says to them. They then chose the one that they would like published in the blog!

Dan:        Help Ollie!

Aysha:     Did you have a good day?

Jack:      Clean the dishes.

Sophie:    Go to bed!

Hannah:      I love you

Zoe:     Come on Gillian!

Triyambak:       Sharing is caring!

Tom:      Don't shoot your Nerf gun at your sister!

Manea:   Help your sister

Lilly:     Don't annoy your sisters!

Lucy:     Unload the dishwasher

Jaimie:    Hurry up!

Jemimah:       Reading time is up.

Luke:       Go Lukie Luke!

Will:       Maybe..........

Ella:      Clean your bedroom!

Koby:    No more Chocolate!

Harris:    Time for dinner!

Ryan:     Don't tackle your brother!

Izzy:     Put your guitar in the car before you forget it!

Saffron:    That looks beautiful you sausage fluff!

Jazmin:      Homework time

Amelia:       Fold the washing!

Ryo:         Goodbye

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