Friday 27 May 2016

Buddy Time :-)

We are LOVING our Buddy Time on Friday mornings with our lovely little buddies in Room 2. Usually we visit them for singing, dancing and ball skills, but today they visited us for the first time! They looked a little worried as they walked in but after sharing books with them and some singing to their favourites "Go Bananas" and "Herman the Worm." they looked like they didn't want to leave!!!

Buddy singing from Naomi on Vimeo.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Completed work...

Penguin Art and Animal Reports are all completed and looking great up on the walls!

Friday 20 May 2016

Best singers of the week!

Mr Holmes awarded Room 16 the award for being the best singers of Week 3! Well done guys :-)

Cross Country Challenge!

Miss Meyrick has organised a Cross Country Challenge to get the kids in Room 13, 15 and 16 fit in time for the school Cross Country! We have to run the length of New Zealand (by adding up the laps we do) and this is how far we've gone so far. Room 13 have run nearly double what we've done, so we are going to have to try really hard to catch up next week!

Emperor Penguin Adaptation

We have been learning about how well penguins are suited to living in the Antarctic and how their bodies and behaviour are adapted to help them survive. Together with the children in Room 15 we experimented with standing on our own and then in a huddle, to see why the Emperor Penguins do this during the long Antarctic winter! Then we experienced what it might be like if we had a thick layer of blubber like the penguins do, by putting our hands in a bucket of ice- one hand covered in "blubber" and one hand without! Lastly we did an experiment with hot water and test tubes to see how the temperature of a single penguin would fall much faster than the temperature of penguins in a huddle.

Thursday 19 May 2016