Tuesday 1 March 2016

Meet our Class Librarians!

Here is our wonderful Room 16 Library team, working hard.
 Lucy is sorting out the library cards.
 Amelia is issuing the library books.

 Dan is putting the returned books into the box, ready to be put back onto the shelves.
I interviewed the librarians.

What is the best thing about being a librarian?
Dan: Scanning the books because I like people smiling at me and saying thank you.
Amelia: Putting the books into the slot.
Lucy: You get to issue books.

Is there anything you find hard about being a librarian?
Dan: Scanning the wrong barcode because there is usually 2 barcodes!
Amelia: No nothing!
Lucy: Getting the book into the slot if the book is open!

What do you think being a librarian teaches you?
Dan: When you're older you will know all the skills if you want to be a librarian- like in Y5 or 6

Do you want to be a school librarian in Y5/6
Amelia: Yes because I think it's fun to see the smile on little kids faces
Lucy: Yes it's really easy and a great job.
Dan: Probably I'll think about it when I'm Year 5 or 6

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