Friday 25 September 2015

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Have a restful and relaxing holiday- it's been a busy jam packed term! Stay safe and recharge your batteries and I'll look forward to seeing you all in Term 4 :-)

Me and my buddy :-)

Thursday 24 September 2015

Readers Theatre

In the last week of term we always do "Readers Theatre" plays where the children work in groups to perform a play from the School Journal books. They work out the actions themselves and any props they want to use. This morning we performed the plays to Room 15 and then watched theirs. this was the best play from our class- nice loud voices with lots of expression and well rehersed actions.

Movie on 24-09-15 at 2.36 pm from Naomi on Vimeo.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Fantastic Singers!

A HUGE well done to our fantasic choir! You were amazing and made me, Mrs Renfrew, Mr Hewson and all of the teachers very very proud! I really hope that you had fun being in choir this year and performing on stage and I hope that you will still want to be in choir next year when you are in Year 5!

Dog Safety

Yesterday we had a dog safety talk. We learnt about important rules that will keep us safe around dogs like asking the owners permission before we touch their dog, letting the dog sniff our hand first and never touching it on the top of its head, or letting it lick our face. We also learnt what to do if we meet an unfriendly dog that is not on a lead or who is on their own. These dogs were super friendly and just adorable but unfortunately not all dogs are!

Monday 21 September 2015

Choir Performance!

Finally, after months of practise, the big day is nearly here! Tomorrow the choir will travel by bus to the theatre for the last practice, before the evening's performance. I have been delighted with the effort and enthusiasm shown by the Room 18 choir members. I don't think I have ever had so many children in my class in the choir before- 21 of them! I hope the children will enjoy their big moment on the stage and that you will enjoy watching and listening to them! 

Sunday 20 September 2015

More Fantastic Stories!

I just LOVE the effort that these three children have put into the reading of their stories- heaps and heaps of expression, which makes them even better! Well done guys :-)

Movie on 18-09-15 at 12.26 pm from Naomi on Vimeo.

Movie on 18-09-15 at 12.04 pm from Naomi on Vimeo.

Movie on 18-09-15 at 8.47 am from Naomi on Vimeo.

Friday 18 September 2015


Well done Room 18 and Room 1- your assembly item was fantastic!!!

Wednesday 16 September 2015


It was Room 18's turn for some cricket for this afternoon. We were the last class in the school to have a turm but luckily they hadn't run out of goodie bags!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Story writing and reading!

Today we watched a video about a man, a robot and 2 magical beings, called "Powerless" The video had no speaking and the children had to retell the story from the point of view of the man, the magical beings, or as a narrator. After practising reading their story out loud, putting in lots of expression, the children will all get the chance to film themselves. Here are the first four!

Movie on 15-09-15 at 12.15 pm #4 from Naomi on Vimeo.

Movie on 15-09-15 at 11.41 am from Naomi on Vimeo.

Movie on 15-09-15 at 12.00 pm from Naomi on Vimeo.

Movie on 15-09-15 at 11.33 am from Naomi on Vimeo.

Monday 14 September 2015 boys allowed!!

On Sunday at the A&P park there is a girls only soccer morning from 9.30-11-30. There will be a member of the ferns football team to meet and there will be lots of football fun and games. Our Monday afternoon soccer coach, Jay, will be there!

Saturday 12 September 2015


Well done to the Year 4 netball players in Room 15 and 18. Here they are in assembly receiving their certificates from Mrs Renfrew, with Miss Meyrick, who was one of their coaches.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Probability Investigation

In maths we have been talking a lot about probability- the least and most likely chance of something happening (e.g., pulling a certain coloured peg out of a bag) and also when an event is certain, impossible or has an even chance. Today we thought about rolling a dice and made predictions about the most and least likely numbers that would be rolled. We had some interesting ideas! The children worked in pairs and rolled the dice 50 times, making a tally chart of the results. We then collated the results for the whole class. This led to an additional challenge- could the children beat the calculator...and some did! :-) Sam explained very clearly to the class, at the end, that each number has an even chance of being rolled- despite what they had previously thought!

Trying to beat the calculator!

 The tally charts

Sam explaining to the class!

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Monday 7 September 2015

Soccer Skills

Room 18 are really enjoying their weekly soccer skills sessions!

Thursday 3 September 2015

Calendar Artwork

The children have worked hard to reproduce their beautiful Folk Art for their calendar design. You are very welcome to pop into the classroom so that you can have a look before you place your orders. However, I am posting all of the pictures here, as I know it is difficult for some of you to come in.
I hope you are pleased with the results!

























