Wednesday 9 September 2015

Probability Investigation

In maths we have been talking a lot about probability- the least and most likely chance of something happening (e.g., pulling a certain coloured peg out of a bag) and also when an event is certain, impossible or has an even chance. Today we thought about rolling a dice and made predictions about the most and least likely numbers that would be rolled. We had some interesting ideas! The children worked in pairs and rolled the dice 50 times, making a tally chart of the results. We then collated the results for the whole class. This led to an additional challenge- could the children beat the calculator...and some did! :-) Sam explained very clearly to the class, at the end, that each number has an even chance of being rolled- despite what they had previously thought!

Trying to beat the calculator!

 The tally charts

Sam explaining to the class!

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