Wednesday 26 August 2015

Speech Competition

In Week 8 Witherlea School will be holding its biennial Speech Contest for the whole school! The children in Kowhai are writing a persausive speech about something they are interested in or feel strongly about.

The speech has to be about 1 1/2 - 2 minutes and should have at least 5 paragraphs.

The first paragraph should have a "hook"- something that gets people interested. It should also state what the person is going to be arguing for or against.

Here is Ayla's first paragraph:

Do your parents yell at you for watching too much TV? Well I think that people should stop staring at TV screen and get outside and do some exercise.

The second, third and fourth paragraphs should give three different reasons WHY they think this, and include lots of detail, facts and information.

Here is Izzy's second paragraph about why she thinks we should have a new flag:

My first reason is that the New Zealand flag should change because it doesn't have anything to do with New Zealand. Like if we had a kiwi  or a silver fern on the flag we could say that it represents New Zealand. .Now we have a union jack on our flag which is the flag for UK and we don't want another flag to be like ours.

Here is Sylvie's third paragraph about why she believes that children should have less sugary foods in their lunchboxes:

My next reason is that if children have healthier lunches it would be better for the environment. Mostly all the things that come in packets are unhealthy. All the packets are sent to the dump or become litter. Some fruit does come in plastic bags but most of it doesn't. It takes 450 years or over for most plastic to break down! It would be much better if people had healthier things in reuseable containers/bags.

The last paragraph should sum up all the arguments in a final statement. No one has got this far yet! We are working very hard on this but it is proving quite a challenge! The children are very welcome to continue work at home if they want to.

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