Wednesday 22 April 2015

Holiday Recounts

Welcome to Term 2 everyone! This week the children have been writing Holiday Recounts. The structure of these had to be Introductory paragraph, at least 3 main paragraphs and a final statement. The recount had to include details, description and personal opinion. Here is Baxter's excellent recount:


My family and I went to Momorangi on the last day of the holidays.

We had lunch by the seaside. I had a cream cheese and salmon bagel and a little bit of a raspberry muffin. For my drink I had a lemonade.

After that we all went  down closer to the sea to skim stones. Splash, splash, splash, splash, splash! My stone skimmed five times.

Then my sister found a miniature crab. I put it on my hand but it didn't hurt because it was tiny. After that my dad found another crab and this one was bigger.

Last of all we carried on driving and reached a walking track. We all walked a little bit of it. We couldn't walk all of it because we didn't have enough time.

It was an awesome, amazing and wonderful day!

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