Monday 30 March 2015

Problem Solving

This week the children are working with a buddy to solve maths problems like the one below. They are allowed to use any equipment they like to help them solve the problem. It's interesting to see the different ways that they approach and solve the problem.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Phoenix Descriptive Writing

Sometimes we use a short video to provide inspiration for our writing. Here is Sylvie's wonderful creative writing based on a video about a phoenix.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Measuring Task

Our maths focus for the last week has been Measurement. The final task was to work in talking partners to draw a plan of a garden, using scale and following instructions carefully. Seth and Pieta worked really well together and their work was excellent. Well done guys!

Kamryn Rose Anderson!

We were lucky to meet little Kamryn this morning! Congratulations to the Anderson family- she is lovely!

Kamryn is my little sister and she is so cute. She only wakes up once when we're at school and greets us when we get home.We always fight to have a cuddle. Dad always says, ''She isn't a doll she's your baby sister!'' Mum has to stay awake all night. She also has to bring Kamryn to school because Dad goes to work at 7:00am. Its sort of a hassle to get to  school because we have to get Kamryn out of bed without waking her up. The midwife always comes to my house every week when me and my sisters are at school. 

By Sophie Anderson

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Fishtail Reading Group

Here are some of the members of Fishtail Reading Group, with the book they are reading at the moment- Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

Maddy- It's about a boy named Peter and his little brother called Fudge. Fudge is very annoying and naughty.

Bede- Peter and his friends are learning about the traffic in New York, because that is where they live.

Baxter- Peter has a turtle named Dribble and Fudge always tried to get it.

Logan- Peter hates his little brother because he always goes into his stuff.

Izzy- I love reading the book because it has funny chapters.

Monday 23 March 2015

Response from Mr Hewson!

Wow what an amazing letter from Mr Hewson! You guys certainly impressed him!

Hi Room 18
It was great to receive those very persuasive requests for school improvement while I was away last week! You have all made strong points in favour of your request. When I read them I tried to make an argument in my head against what you were arguing for. In some cases this was very difficult indeed!
Baxter, I'm sure that your request can be easily followed through. I would suggest you now pass your persuasive email on to Mr Robertson who manages the sports budget, and see how he responds. Louie, your request too could be passed on to Mr Robertson - you'll understand that the nets will only prevent balls from going in to the forest IF they go in the goal, so you might like to consider other suggestions for the balls that miss goal!!
For those who asked about a larger pool - years ago our Board of Trustees wanted to make that a project, but we were limited in land area and of course the cost is a massive consideration. Today many schools are having to shut down their pools because they can not afford to maintain them and purchase the chemicals. Our Board of Trustees is very keen to do everything it can to at least maintain our pool in sound condition. The Water Safety Council of NZ are surveying schools at present because they want to safeguard swimming pools in schools. You never know, they may persuade the government to invest a lot more money in school pools and if that happens we would want to consider a better facility than we already have! I'm not sure that that would extend to waterslides though ... there are a lot of Health and Safety rules that we would have to comply with that would cost the school a lot of extra money.
For those of you who tried to persuade me that we should do away with school uniforms - I did take your point about all looking the same! It's a real problem for me especially when new children start and they just sort of "melt" in to the environment! Some years ago we did not have a compulsory uniform and our Board at the time canvassed the parent community and got huge support for uniforms. That we have around 100% compliance with our school uniform indicates that your parents still support school uniforms. If you are getting hot and sweaty you might like to have a change of clothes here for lunch breaks. Our uniform committee are always looking for better ways to supply the uniform, hopefully we will be able to source a cheaper range. Let me know if there are clothing types within our school uniform colour scheme that would be better options than what we already have!
The bell in the forest came up at School Council - was it your class that raised it? The biggest hurdle is getting electrical current down there. When the new staff carpark goes in down behind the tennis courts we might have an opportunity to link a bell to the system then.
Charlie, your argument for 2 Barbecues was persuasive. My problem is getting enough volunteers for another BBQ. Perhaps we could compromise by streamlining how we give out the sausages and perhaps finding a slightly more central place to do the cook-up!
And finally, Sophie - you make a very good point about the sand pit size. As the school grows larger there is more demand for all of these facilities. I have a meeting with some property master-planners on Friday. I will make sure we talk about extending those sorts of play options and hopefully the Ministry of Education will give us the funding for some, rather than us having to fundraise like we have done so successfully this weekend at the gala!
Well done with your persuasive writing room 18. This is a life-long skill you are developing. Writing is one part of the art of persuasion, vocalising your argument is another very important skill to develop as well!! All the best!
Mr Hewson

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Persausive Letters

This week's writing focus has been Persausive Letters. The children's task was to write a letter, set out in paragraphs, which would persaude Mr Hewson about something they felt strongly about! We will be sharing some of these letters, on the drive, with Mr Hewson, and eagerly waiting for his replies!

Room 18
Witherlea School
Upper Weld Street
Dear Mr Hewson,

I am writing to you so you would consider banning school uniform.

My first reason is that when playing hiding games school uniform doesn't  blend in with into the tree colours, and it makes the game not fair. Also when playing you lose people and you can't find them again.

Another reason is that the school uniform with holes in it gets caught onto trees and gets torn apart. When they get home their mothers growl and they get in big trouble.

Although the thick school uniform is well designed, I think it is too thick for hot summer days. Children get dehydrated and have to go home.

I hope you will consider about my letter and announce it to the school.

Your Sincerely

Grace Straker.

Room 18
Witherlea school

Dear Mr Hewson

I am writing to you about putting a deep pool for the year 4’s and over dnd we could put a water slide into that pool.

My first reason is that it would be more fun and the kids would love It. We could also put a roof on top of It and make It blue.

My second reason is that the pool is a bit too squished up so I would like you to say yes.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and I hope you say yes

Yours sincerely,

Meila MacDonald

Room 18
Witherlea School

Dear Mr Hewson

I am writing to you because the bell is quite hard to hear when children are in the forest and I think you should put a bell in the forest

My first reason is people normally go into the forest and children play in there but  kids can’t hear the bell and sometimes children are late for class.

Another reason is people are not so sure about if they should go into the forest because they do not want to be late for class. Children will have to listen and if there is silence and that means that they are late for class.

I hope you will decide to put a bell into the forest.

Yours Sincerly,

Pieta Radovanovich

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Richmond Reading Group

Richmond Reading Group are reading Charlotte's Web this term. Each week they read one or two chapters and then complete activities based on what they have read.
Here are some of the children to tell you about the book:

Sophie: It is an amazing book and it's like it's real. Charlotte is a spider, Wilbur is a pig and Fern is a human! 
Sylvie: Templeton the rat is really cheeky. Wilbur makes friends with Charlotte the spider and Fern watches them every day. It's really exciting and I want to keep reading. 
Grace: the old sheep says that when it gets to Christmas time as soon as the cold weather starts, Wilbur will go to the smoke house and gets killed!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Comic Life

Room 18 have enjoyed creating Comic Life presentations about their trip to Whites Bay

When I was Brave

During Rapid Writing sessions, the children have 10 minutes to write on a variety of topics, sometimes thoughtful and sometimes funny- hopefully something that will spark their imagination! They write in silence and this encourages total concentration. The aim of Rapid Writing is to increase the speed with which the children can get their ideas down on paper and to help them see that they can have fun with their writing!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Library time

We are lucky to have a really fantastic school library that we visit  every Tuesday afternoon. In Year 4 the children are allowed to get issue 2 books and they can have these out for up to 2 weeks.

Izzy- I like the library because it's normally quiet and you can have a wee rest! You can get some interesting books out that you haven't read before.

Ayla- I like the library because it's a great place to snuggle down and read a book.

Bede- I like reading books in the library. The chapter books are my favourite.

Dontae- I like reading magazines in the library. The fishing ones are my favourite.

Charlie- I like reading non-fiction books- especially dinosaurs and sport.

Mya- I like to read the chapter books, like the ones that are in the baskets, such as Billie B Brown.

Pieta- I like the library because it's a nice peaceful place to read books such as Geronimo Stilton.

Ayden- I like reading the books in the library because they are really interesting, especially the scary books.

Hunter- It's really fun to hang out with your friends in the library and look at books together.

Baxter- I like relaxing on the couch and reading a book.

And here are our 2 lovely Room 18 librarians!