Wednesday 18 March 2015

Persausive Letters

This week's writing focus has been Persausive Letters. The children's task was to write a letter, set out in paragraphs, which would persaude Mr Hewson about something they felt strongly about! We will be sharing some of these letters, on the drive, with Mr Hewson, and eagerly waiting for his replies!

Room 18
Witherlea School
Upper Weld Street
Dear Mr Hewson,

I am writing to you so you would consider banning school uniform.

My first reason is that when playing hiding games school uniform doesn't  blend in with into the tree colours, and it makes the game not fair. Also when playing you lose people and you can't find them again.

Another reason is that the school uniform with holes in it gets caught onto trees and gets torn apart. When they get home their mothers growl and they get in big trouble.

Although the thick school uniform is well designed, I think it is too thick for hot summer days. Children get dehydrated and have to go home.

I hope you will consider about my letter and announce it to the school.

Your Sincerely

Grace Straker.

Room 18
Witherlea school

Dear Mr Hewson

I am writing to you about putting a deep pool for the year 4’s and over dnd we could put a water slide into that pool.

My first reason is that it would be more fun and the kids would love It. We could also put a roof on top of It and make It blue.

My second reason is that the pool is a bit too squished up so I would like you to say yes.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and I hope you say yes

Yours sincerely,

Meila MacDonald

Room 18
Witherlea School

Dear Mr Hewson

I am writing to you because the bell is quite hard to hear when children are in the forest and I think you should put a bell in the forest

My first reason is people normally go into the forest and children play in there but  kids can’t hear the bell and sometimes children are late for class.

Another reason is people are not so sure about if they should go into the forest because they do not want to be late for class. Children will have to listen and if there is silence and that means that they are late for class.

I hope you will decide to put a bell into the forest.

Yours Sincerly,

Pieta Radovanovich

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