Monday 17 November 2014

Learning to be Cashletes!

Today a man from ASB came to talk to us about all about money! He was funny and entertaining and we learnt heaps.

 Rebekah will talk about some of the facts we learnt (although being a bit of an expert she was able to answer a lot of the questions!)
" He told us about the difference between Eftpos Cards and Credit Cards. With a Credit Card you borrow the money from the bank and when you pay it back you pay a little bit more as well. With an eftpos card you can only take out what you put in. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. They can only be 4 numbers and you musn't tell anyone else. When you get given money you can put it in to the bank, so it's safe and you won't be tempted to spend it. You can get an Eftpos card when you are 12, or if your parents let you, but you have to be 18 to get a Credit Card."

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