Wednesday 12 November 2014


Over writing focus for the last 2 weeks has been interviews. The children chose a member of staff they wanted to interview and then wrote 6 good questions that they could ask them. They then visited the person and made an appoinment for when the interview could take place. The next stage was the interview itself! After the interview the task was to write the interview out in the form of a script, including an introduction, the information about the person and a final statement about them. The final task is to practise this several times, to themselves and to a friend, and then finally film it on photo booth. Here are the fantastic results!

Interview with Mrs Renfrew from Naomi on Vimeo.

Miss Green from Naomi on Vimeo.

Miss Meyrick from Naomi on Vimeo.

Mrs Robinson from Naomi on Vimeo.

Mrs Herdman from Naomi on Vimeo.

Mrs Anderson from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mrs Holmes from Naomi on Vimeo.

Mrs D'Auvergne from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mrs Nelson from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mrs Zydenbos from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mrs Leslie from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mr Church from Naomi on Vimeo.

Interview with Mr Hewson from Naomi on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What interesting videos you have made, boys. It was lovely to talk with you again, Jesse. I'm looking forward to finding out more information about my friends, as I keep checking in on your blog, room 18!!