Tuesday 27 August 2013

Pirates Visit Witherlea School!

Captain Swiftknife
By Mackenzie Taylor

    Captain Swiftknife is a sword swinging pirate. He has a very strange voice,  in fact he says, “Me,” instead of, “I.” Now that is strange indeed.
Black Eel, the fastest ship in the sea, belongs to the craziest and creepiest pirate in the ocean, Captain Swiftknife.

   The captain jumped into the class and gave us a big fright. The crazy pirate has a long deep blue vest that comes down to his bottom. Also on the front of his shiny vest he has a few golden buttons, some of which had been torn off when he jumped into the freezing cold water because his first mate, Shark Bait, turned against him and threatened to slice his head off if he didn't walk the plank!

   On his chest, stiting there, is a frilly under coat of white. On the top of his hat, ripped, an old rag that had been there since, well, I don't know. The black hat sits on the head of the one and only Captain Swiftknife. If you were there when he jumped into the class room you would think that he was hiding something when he said the words, "I'm nice to you guys but not to Shark Bait, my enemy, he was my first mate." But why would he say that to us because he never knew us before the captain scared the life out of us?

Captain Swiftknife
by Joshua Clamp

Captain Swiftknife is the captain of a ship called the Black Eel. He has a pitch black vest with white lines on it. His black and gold hat has tattered braid on it. Captain Swiftknife wears long black pants that are tucked into his boots. His voice is very loud and he speaks old fashioned words. He shouts so much because he is used to yelling at his crew of stinky men. He has always been chasing his enemy Shark Bait. The brainy pirate is skillful with a sword and doesn’t run away from his enemy. On his dirty face he has a wicked grin as if he’s hiding something. If you were unlucky enough to confront the Black Eel, you would be trembling from head to foot with fear.

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