Thursday 26 March 2020

Thursday: Collecting Conkers

Hi Room 15 and 16,
I hope that you are all keeping busy at home and being kind and helpful to Mum and Dad (and any brothers and sisters of course!) Maybe you have been playing in the garden in the sunshine, or have been for a short walk with your family to get some fresh air.

At my house, our neighbours have a Horse Chestnut Tree and lots of the Horse Chestnuts (or as we call them "Conkers") have fallen into the drive and the road. We couldn't help collecting them up - although I don't know what we're going to do with them! When I was your age, we used to collect as many as we could and play a game with them called "Conkers"! I just love their smooth, brown, shiny skin, and the prickly green case they come in :-)

If you wanted to take a photo and write about something, you could create a document in your Literacy folder and do it there. If you get Mum or Dad to email it to your gmail address, you can save it straight onto your Drive, or onto your desktop - and then drag it onto your document. 

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