Monday 26 February 2018

More Fantastic Writing

Wow we have got some great writers in Room 16. Here some more of the Lola Character Descriptions.

Friday 23 February 2018


One of the things Room 16 love to do in our pool sessions is to play Mrs Anderson's Flipperball. I actually don't know how to play the game, but my very simple version seems to work quite well!

flipper ball from Naomi on Vimeo.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Lola Character Descriptions

Look at the GREAT writing done by the first 3 children to finish their character descriptions!

Monday 19 February 2018

Fossil Hunters!

Today Room 13 and 15 became fossils hunters! The children searched in the sandpit and found some interesting "rocks"which they then chiselled and scraped to reveal some very interesting objects inside. Tomorrow we are going to be scientists by making some careful observations and asking questions.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Writing a Character Description

Over the last 2 weeks, our writing focus has been Character Descriptions. We have been reading the Charlie and Lola books and have brainstormed heaps of ideas about Lola the (small and very funny) main character! Before the children attempted writing their own character description of Lola, we planned out what each paragraph should contain and then worked with Room 15 to write a character description of Witherlea School's fabulous Mrs Turbitt. The children are now well underway with their Character Descriptions so watch this space to see some of them. In the meantime we hope you will enjoy reading this one.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Maths Revision

We've been looking at some addition and subtraction strategies that the children learnt last year and I have been very impressed; they obviously had some very good teachers last year 😃

Saturday 10 February 2018

Expectations for 2018

The children have finished publishing their expectations for 2018; for themselves, for their classmates and for their teacher. They have also completed some fantastic self portraits to display with them.

Friday 9 February 2018

Library Time

Thanks MRs Herdman and Room 15 for letting us join them in the library yesterday. Our usual day is Tuesday, so of course we have missed it for the last 2 weeks. We love our school library :-)