Friday 31 March 2017

Question Time!

Our amazing Little Buddies in Room 12 have been working hard writing questions to ask their Big Buddies. After they had asked their questions, Room 16 got to share their computer skills by helping them publish their questions on the laptops. Here are a couple of the interviews taking place!
buddy questions from Naomi on Vimeo.

buddy questions 2 from Naomi on Vimeo.

And here are some photos of the class working with their buddies. 
Aren't we lucky to have such a great Buddy Class! 😃😃😃

Thursday 30 March 2017

Onamalutu Slideshow

Thanks Mrs Halton for putting this cool slideshow together and sharing it with us.

Making Minibeasts

Today Room 16 and 17 made the minibeasts that they planned last week. 

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Onamalutu :-)

We had such an awesome day today! Thanks so much to the parents that came along to help. The highlight of the trip was definitely cooling off after lunch with a paddle in the river!!

Monday 27 March 2017


We've been looking at 2D shapes over the last week: naming them, thinking about their properties and sorting them into groups,. Today we used equilateral triangles to make other shapes, such as Quadrilaterals, regular and irregular Hexagons and a Heptagon.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Minibeast Poems

For our writing last week, we worked with room 15, working collaboratively with a buddy to write descriptive minibeast poems. There were a few rules to follow which made it pretty tricky. I wonder if you can work out the rules by reading these two finished ones....

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Minibeast Designs

As part of our topic work with Room 17, the children have been designing their own minibeasts which they are going to make next week, using a variety of materials. Here are some of their designs!

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Itchy Insect Art

I'm sure you will agree that our Mosquito and Sandfly art has turned to be fantastic!