Sunday 28 February 2016

Happy Birthday Mr Hewson!

On Friday the children in Rooms 13, 15 and 16 sang Happy Birthday to Mr Hewson in Te Reo, and then tried to guess how old they thought he might be!

20160226_091639 from Naomi on Vimeo.

Friday 26 February 2016

Summer Art :-)

Finally I have got the Summer Art display completed! Doesn't their work look amazing!!

Thursday 25 February 2016

Sketching Skills

This year we will be sketching all kinds of things to practise our sketching skills. First up Dave the Minion!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Thursday 18 February 2016

Grandma McGarvey Character Descriptions

Here is the first completed character description by Jemimah. All the children will have their descriptions on their Drives by the end of next week, but I will put more on here as they get finished :-)

Meet our awesome School Councilors!

Jemimah and Will will be sharing the role this year, as they received the same number of votes, with Will taking the first term. Ella and Dan also got the same number of votes, but, as they had both been councilors before, they kindly agreed that Will and Jemimah should have the opportunity this year. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Gmail and Google Drive

Today the children were able to sign into their own gmail account and have their first look at their Google Drive! Ask them to show you.  :-)

Monday 15 February 2016

Numeracy Focus... Addition.

We often begin maths lessons with a problem and the children work with a partner to solve it, using any method they like. Lots of discussion is encouraged! Today we had a variety of different ways of solving the problems. It does not matter if the children have got the problem wrong, as long as they are able to understand why and to listen to the methods that different  children have used.

Problem 1

Problem 2

Sunday 14 February 2016


After a week of hot weather, lots of work to finish and lots of assessments, we thought we would head out during our usual Syndicate Sport time, and play some T-Ball. I have my own version of the rules but luckily we have Heather Cressewell working with us this year, who is a T-Ball expert, so hopefully she will give me some tips!! Week 1 and 2 have been great and I've enjoyed getting to know my new class- who are shaping up to be a pretty awesome bunch of kids- lucky me :-) :-) :-)

Thursday 11 February 2016

Hard at work

We are trying to get all assessments completed this week so that maths and reading groups can begin next week. Only a couple more to go....