Friday 22 May 2015

Things we like and don't like!

Rapid Writing today was a list of what we like and don't like!

Dontae- I like racing in mud but I don't like crashing!
Grace- I like buddy time and I don't like dogs!
Ayden- I like May 5th and I don't like white!
Sophie- I like Art and I don't like Kamryn crying!
Harrison- I like friends and I don't like chocolate!
Louie- I like myself and I don't like reading!
Jackson- I like Lego and I don't like runs!
Meila- I like Gymnastics and I don't like to be unhappy!
Baxter- I like pigs and I don't like handwriting!
Pieta- I like Mrs Anderson and I don't like earthquakes!
Isaac- I like Soccer and I don't like broccoli!
Charlie- I like food and I don't like angry people!
Keeton- I like Christmas but I don't like when it's over!
Emma-  I like friendly monsters and I don't like boy sheep that try to charge at you!
Mya- I like Youtube and I don't like hurting myself
Izzy- I like Brataly on YouTube and I  don't like going to bed early.
Logan- I like bacon and I don't like cleaning my room!
Teri- I like my cat and I don't like aeroplanes!
Baylee- I like candy and chocolate but I don't like hot chocolate.
Hunter- I like fluffy beards and I don't like my friends getting told off.
Sam- I like doing reports and I don't like Maths
Hayden- I like Izzie my cat and I don't like purple and pink.
Seth- I like ice-cream sundaes but I don't like rain!
Sylvie- I like writing and I don't like weetbix!
Bede- I like climbing trees and I don't like going to bed.
Jane- I like animals and I don't like sports.

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