Sunday 24 May 2015

Octopi Writing

Last week we looked at how to structure a story with a mixture of speech, action and description. The story we wrote was from a short film about 2 octopi and their crazy adventure!

Friday 22 May 2015

Syndicate Walk

As part of our training for cross-country we will be going on a syndicate walk/run every Friday.

Things we like and don't like!

Rapid Writing today was a list of what we like and don't like!

Dontae- I like racing in mud but I don't like crashing!
Grace- I like buddy time and I don't like dogs!
Ayden- I like May 5th and I don't like white!
Sophie- I like Art and I don't like Kamryn crying!
Harrison- I like friends and I don't like chocolate!
Louie- I like myself and I don't like reading!
Jackson- I like Lego and I don't like runs!
Meila- I like Gymnastics and I don't like to be unhappy!
Baxter- I like pigs and I don't like handwriting!
Pieta- I like Mrs Anderson and I don't like earthquakes!
Isaac- I like Soccer and I don't like broccoli!
Charlie- I like food and I don't like angry people!
Keeton- I like Christmas but I don't like when it's over!
Emma-  I like friendly monsters and I don't like boy sheep that try to charge at you!
Mya- I like Youtube and I don't like hurting myself
Izzy- I like Brataly on YouTube and I  don't like going to bed early.
Logan- I like bacon and I don't like cleaning my room!
Teri- I like my cat and I don't like aeroplanes!
Baylee- I like candy and chocolate but I don't like hot chocolate.
Hunter- I like fluffy beards and I don't like my friends getting told off.
Sam- I like doing reports and I don't like Maths
Hayden- I like Izzie my cat and I don't like purple and pink.
Seth- I like ice-cream sundaes but I don't like rain!
Sylvie- I like writing and I don't like weetbix!
Bede- I like climbing trees and I don't like going to bed.
Jane- I like animals and I don't like sports.

Saturday 16 May 2015

What a Fantastic Assembly Item!

free glitter text and family website at

Way to go room 18!!!!!! you were all amazing best item. From Logan's family

Thursday 14 May 2015

Hexagons Maths Group

Here is one of the problems that the children tackled today. They were allowed to work it out however they liked, using equipment if they wanted to.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Assembly Item!

Room 18 have been practising hard on their assembly item for this Friday's Assembly and are looking forward to sharing it with the school and the parents! Hope to see you there!!!

Saturday 9 May 2015


Last week the children learnt about how to write a report using the correct structure and language. Some of the guidelines for writing a good report are:
1. Organise the report into sections or paragraphs, with subheadings.
2. Write an introduction and possibly a finishing statement.
3. Use facts not opinions and avoid saying "I" or "We."
4. Use subject specific vocabulary
5. Add a photograph or drawing, with labels if needed.
6. Write in the present tense.

Last week the children had to write an animal report on any animal they liked. The next task is to write a report on a different topic.