Monday 28 May 2018

Wala Show

We were treated to am amazing show today of African drumming, singing and dance, which got us all up and moving - even the teachers!

African dance from Naomi on Vimeo.
drums from Naomi on Vimeo.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Friday 25 May 2018

Letters to Ms Harnett

For the last 2 weeks we have been learning about writing persuasive letters. One of the tasks was to write a letter to Ms Harnett that would convince her to make a change in the school. We will send these to Ms Harnett and then wait and see how successful the letters were!

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Climbing the Times Table Ladder!

Every Friday the children are tested on the times table that they have been learning that week and if they achieve at least 27 out of 30, in 3 minutes they can climb up the ladder! It is great for the children to be able to see their progress.

Monday 21 May 2018

Jump Jam!

Every Monday morning after Flag raising Kowhai gets together to do Jump Jam. This is a great way to start they week and to catch up with Kowhai team!

Jam from c on Vimeo.

Jump from c on Vimeo.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Marae Topic

We've been doing some great learning over the last few weeks in our "Marae" Topic. Last week we learnt about all things that we will see when we go to Omaka Marae later in the term and this week we have been finding out what the parts of the Wharenui are called and about why the Wharenui is so special and important.

Monday 14 May 2018

Fabulous Kowhai!

Here are all the amazing kids that make up our Kowhai Team, just about to sing together, after our usual Monday morning Jump Jam session.

Friday 11 May 2018

Bridge Building Technology Challenge

We did another awesome technology challenge with Room 17 today. The challenge was to build a bridge that could hold a small plastic cup, with 10 straws, 4 popsicle sicks, a blob of blutak and some sellotape. All the bridges were so different but every one was able to hold the cup!

Friday 4 May 2018

Robot Story

This week we have been working on writing a 3 paragraph story based on a short video. The  video doesn't have any words - which makes it perfect to use our imaginations to retell. Our major focus was on using lots of descriptive words to make our writing interesting, exciting and make the words POP out of the page. We like to call these WOW words!
Watch the video and then listen to some of the children reading out their wonderful stories.

Our Wharenui

Isn't it looking great?

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Topic work with Room 12

Today we were working hard on creating sentences to go on "feathers" for our Whatu Pokeka. It's now finished and loooking fantastic, displayed on the wall in our Room 16 Wharenui. Thank you Miss Stringer for these photos.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

New Topic - the Marae

Today we started our new topic "The Marae." This term we are really excited about working with a different class for our topic work - Room 12. We have also been publishing our mihi ready to be displayed in our class Wharanui, and some children are learning to perform these from memory.

Bella Mihi from Naomi on Vimeo.

Ruruka Mihi from Naomi on Vimeo.

What we know and what we would like to find out.

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