Wednesday 21 November 2018

Thursday 8 November 2018

Practice Stream Study

Anna Crowe took us down to the Witherlea Creek yesterday, so we could do a practice stream study to get ready for the one that we are going to do on camp, when she visits us there on Tuesday next week. It will be really interesting to compare Pine Valley stream with Witherlea Creek!

Book Fair

We had fun looking at all the fantastic books that are on sale at the Book Fair.

Friday 26 October 2018

Sensational Singing

What lovely singing from all of Kowhai in our assembly item today. Here is a video from one of our practices.

Everybody from c on Vimeo.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Pine Valley Camp Work :)

This week has been jam packed with our Pine Valley topic work, as we have A LOT to do, and only a few weeks (and some of those are short) to do it! Room 16 have been thinking about what they already know, what they would like to find out, and reflecting on what they are looking forward to, what they might be worried about, and making a personal goal.