Wednesday 29 November 2017

What a fantastic camp!

We have had such an amazing 3 days at Pine Valley. What a fantastic bunch of kids and parent helpers we had! We had heaps of sunshine, a crazy thunderstorm and loads of fun!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Meet Alva!

It was wonderful to meet cute little Alva today. Thanks to Claudia and her mum for bringing her in to see us!

Stream Study

Yesterday Anna Crowe took us to do a practise Stream Study at the Mackenzie Road Creek. Next week we will be doing the same thing by the beautiful Pine Valley Stream!

Teamwork game

We played this teamwork game with Room 15. Each team of 7 had to get across the grass with only 4 chairs, which most of the teams found to be harder than it seemed!

Monday 20 November 2017

St John Training

Kathryn, who is a St John paramedic, visited us today to teach us some important first aid, such as dealing with a nosebleed, putting on a bandage to a bad cut and what to do in an
                 Putting on bandages

          Checking airways and breathing

                     Recovery Position

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Room 16!

I thought I would grab another class photo last week as the sun was shining and everyone was here!

Maths unit on weight

Our maths this week has been focusing on weight/mass. The children have been estimating and measuring the weight of heavy things, compared to a kg, and lighter things in grams. 

Saturday 11 November 2017

Native Animal Reports

We have been working on report writing over the last week and the children have been comparing them with the reports they wrote back in Term 1, and reflecting on how much they have improved! Here are three of them.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Winnie the Witch Character Descriptions