Friday 29 September 2017

Have a fun and safe holiday everyone and see you all in Term 4!

Life Education - what can we do to have a good reputation?

We have had 2 visits to the Life Education bus this week and have been learning all about reputations. What is a reputation? Why is it important to have a good reputation? What sorts of things give you a good reputation or a bad reputation?

We talked about "crossing the line" - everything above the line will help give you a good reputation, but everything below the line could give you a bd reputation.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Readers' Theatre

The highlight of our reading programme each term are the readers theatre plays. The children practise their lines, work out where the characters will stand and how they will move, make props/costumes, and then perform to the class. We really try to focus on using expression, speaking loudly and clearly and having audience awareness in the way we stand. I am always amazed how much the children improve throughout the year.
A Dangerous Place

Everyone Forgets Sometimes

 Don't Come Knocking Here



Thanks Mrs Muir for letting Room 16 join Room 17 this week to look volume and capacity. The children did some cool practical activities about estimating and measuring volume and capacity in non standard units (cubes/counters) and standard units (cups and millilitres).

Measuring carefully to make a container

Estimating which container will hold the most water and measuring in millilitres.

Measuring how many cups of counters will fill the paper containers.

Friday 22 September 2017


The children were really proud of these great sketches. Sketching is great for practising careful pencil control and helps improve handwriting as well!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Congratulations Josephine!!!

We were so impressed by all the wonderful speeches that we heard today, but especially proud of our wonderful Josephine whose speech was judged as the best Year 3!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Sunny day at last!

We made the most of the sunny day to have a quick morning walk in Harling Park with Room 15.

Starters and Connectives

A big focus in Room 16 is using more interesting words to start and join sentences, as this is a way to make big improvements to our writing. Today the children used this picture as inspiration and had 10 minutes to write some descriptive sentences. The challenge was that each sentence should start in a different way and that each sentence should have a connective. Afterwards the children highlighted the words and drew up a chart to see how they had done. Reflecting on our work is a great way to see how we can improve.

Friday 15 September 2017

Te Reo Song

We sang this with our little buddies today. Te Reo Maori Song from Naomi on Vimeo.

Litter Pick

This week was National Clean up Week and we did a litter pick on the streets around our school. Look how much litter we found :-(

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Another Musical Treat :-)

I challenge you to listen to this fantastic rendition of "Stand by Me" by James and Noah (from Room 17) and not sing or hum along with it- I certainly couldn't! Well done boys you are awesome!!

James and noah from Naomi on Vimeo.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Kowhai Singing

We love getting together as a syndicate to sing. On Monday we met outside, as the Science Fair was in the hall.

Kowhai from c on Vimeo.

Musical Performance

I have invited the children who play an instrument, to bring it in (if it's not too big!) and to perform to the class. Hunter played us 2 tunes that were really well practised. We really enjoyed your performance Hunter - thank you!

Monday 11 September 2017

Room 16 Speech Competition Finalists

Well done to all the children who delivered a speech to the class and especially to these 6 children, who were the Room 16 finalists.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Te Reo Maori Commands

Thanks Mrs Muir for an awesome lesson today, learning some important commands in Te Reo Maori. We played a fun game to help us remember them.

te reo instructions from Naomi on Vimeo.