Friday 24 February 2017


It is so fantastic to have the Library up and running again, after a year without it, when it was being used a as a classroom. The children have been excited about starting to use it again and getting familiar with the Library routines. We have four Library Leaders in Room 16: James C, James P, Nina and Kate. They are having a lot of fun learning how to return and issue books, or "Zapping" the books, as Mrs Anderson calls it!

Sunday 19 February 2017

Grandma McGarvey Character Descriptions

Last week Room 16's writing focus was Character Descriptions. We read books about Grandma McGarvey, then brainstormed ideas about what she looks like and what sort of person she is. After that we talked about the structure of a character description and what should be included in each paragraph. We also talked about making our sentences interesting by starting them in different ways, by making some of them longer with connecting words and by using some WOW words! Then we wrote a character description together with Room 17 about Mrs Nelson. Here it is:

Then we had some quiet writing time for everyone to work on their character descriptions. Here is the first completed and published one. More on their way soon...!

Friday 17 February 2017

Goodbye Ollie

We had to say goodbye to a very special member of our class today. Ollie and his family are moving to Nelson and we are going to miss him but we are excited for him embarking on a new adventure! Here we are yesterday having a popcorn party to say goodbye to him.

Our Little Buddies :-)

Here we are with our lovely little buddies from Room 11. They came to visit us for the first time today and we had lots of fun singing with them and then sharing some books with them. 😊

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Tuesday 14 February 2017


We started our new topic today, which is all about minibeasts. We are going to be working on our topic with Room 17. Mr Robertson asked the children why the topic is called Minibeasts and not insects, and Kate answered that it because things like spiders are not insects. I thought that was a fantastic answer!! Today the children got into groups and brainstormed what they already know about minibeasts. Tomorrow we are going to see what kinds of minibeasts we can find in our school forest.