Wednesday 31 August 2016

Room 16's Secret Agents!

Wow it seems like Room 16 is actually full of Secret Agents and I never suspected a thing!

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Agent X

It's been an exciting 2 days at Witherlea School - as we found out on Monday that a secret agent named Agent X had visited the school and left messages for the children to find! The messages were hidden in very strange places, such as the school hall, the sports shed, the foyer and even Mr Hewson's office! Once all the messages had been found, we put them together to make a letter from Agent X. Here it is:

The children decided that they should write letters back to Agent X. Here is the first one finished:

Monday 29 August 2016

Life Education

Today we learnt about the 7 important things that keep us happy and healthy. We also started to talk about the Circulatory System - which we will continue learning about at our next session on Wednesday. We were very excited because we all got to stroke Harold!

Player of the Year!!!

Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Lilly for being awarded Player of the Year, at her Soccer club. Room 16 are very proud of you :-)

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Flower Power

Miss Marion did this wonderful art with the children yesterday, when I was away.

Fabulous Shrek Costumes!

These are the first boys in Room 16 to bring in their Shrek outfits - don't they look amazing!

Friday 19 August 2016

Nap time!

Look at all these sleeping beauties! The choir wore themselves out being utterly AMAZING at the Kids for Kids performance - Mrs Renfrew and I couldn't be prouder of them! And I suppose the rest of the class must have worn themselves out just by being the fantastic kids that they are!

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Using our Chunky Chalk!

Today we got to test out the chalk we made last week and it worked really well! Here are the kids creating fabulous patterns and pictures and amazingly long hopscotch!

Sunday 14 August 2016

Shrek Dance :-)

How are you getting on with finding your costume for our Shrek Dance? You can find the music for the dance on the Jump Jam & Choir page, if you would like to practise at home!

Making Chalk

After writing the instructions for how to make Chunky Chalk, we thought we would give it a go! We have to wait until Monday morning until we can test the chalk out.