Thursday 30 July 2015

Writing Great Instructions!

On Tuesday we talked about the features that great instructions should have. We decided that these were: short and simple sentences, clear sections, a list of what is needed, numbered steps, pictures of the final result and a title with an explanation of what you are making or doing! The task for the next 2 days was to turn a story of what some children had made, into a set of great instructions, on a poster. Here are some of the ones finished so far.

Monday 27 July 2015

Following Instructions!

We started our instructions focus today with a test! Here are the class completing the test! Unfortunately I couldn't seem to rotate the video after I had uploaded it.

instructions test from Naomi on Vimeo.

Here was the test!

After that the children practised their very careful reading and following of instructions by making some origami creations from this website

Here were some of the results.

Friday 24 July 2015

Sensational Singers!

Today we won the Rugger Award at assembly for the third time this year. Thanks Mr Holmes- we were so happy to get it!

Thursday 23 July 2015

Rippa Rugby

Today was the start of the Y4-6 Rippa Rugby Tournament. Room 18 had kids in three of the teams that were playing today. They were: The Crusaders, Force and Blues. Pieta, Hunter and Izzy all scored a try. 

Amazing Jump Jam Leaders

Our fantastic Year 4 Jump Jam Leaders are always full of energy, enthusiasm and smiles when they lead Kowhai in our weekly syndicate Jump Jam session. Well done guys- you do a great job!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Writing Addition Word Problems

For the next 3-4 weeks in maths, we are working on addition and subtraction strategies. Today I gave the children the equation   24  +  ?  =  53  and asked them to write a word problem that could go with it. If they can do this it shows a good understanding of the concept.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Welcome to Term 3 :-)

Welcome back everyone! I'm looking forward to another great term in Room 18! We have some great activities and work planned for this term and towards the middle of the term we'll even start thinking about something happening in Term 4...I wonder what that could be??!!! I'm looking forward to hearing all about your holidays- I bet a lot of you saw the snow,  like me. Here's a couple of photos of the beautiful scenery I was lucky enough to enjoy. We live in such a beautiful country don't we.

Friday 3 July 2015

Kowhai Mural

Just wanted to give everyone a chance to see our fabulous Kowhai mural before it goes on display next term. Isn't it amazing! Also wanted to wish everyone a very holiday. I hope you all get some special family time. I can't believe we are now half way through the year! See you all in term 3 :-)

Thursday 2 July 2015

Teamwork Challenge

How can you get across the field in a team of ten, on 6 chairs, without touching the ground? With great teamwork of course!