Friday 31 October 2014

Athletics Day is coming!

The children have been practising hard for next Friday's Athletics Day. They will do 5 events: Sprints, Long Jump, High Jump, Discus and Shot Put. It's always a really fun and enjoyable day and even better, this year, I hear there is going to be a coffee cart there!!! Sorry kids- nothing for you I'm afraid!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Diamante Poems

Diamante poems are similar to cinquains, except they are 7 lines long,  containing 2 nouns that are opposite, or at least different, to each other. The middle line connects the 2 nouns in some way.





Tuesday 14 October 2014

Cinquain Poems

Today we started a writing unit on poetry. Our aim is to write and publish a range of different types of poetry over the next few weeks. The first type of poetry we looked at was Cinquain Poems. These are 5 line poems, that follow a strict set of rules. Here are a few of the poems produced today.

Viking Ships

Here's the Viking Ship artwork that the children shared in assembly last term. It's now up on the wall and looking terrifyingly good!