Wednesday 11 December 2013

If I was Principal for the day....

For Rapid Writing on Tuesday the children had to write about what they would do if they were Principal for the day. Zoe decided to make up a rap about her plans!

Principal for the day! from Naomi on Vimeo.

Sunday 8 December 2013

The Memory of a Fountain

Week 8's writing task was to use a short video called "The Memory of a Fountain," as inspiration.

The last drop of water falls from the tap to complete my giant body. I am full of water, I know because I hear the water swishing inside of me. Desperately I clench the sink and try pull myself out! I turn to the mirror in front of me. How did I get here?  As I plod down the stairs I feel lost, almost as though I have been alive once before. I try to go for a stroll, but I am shouted at because I am different. I thought being different means you are special, but from
this experience I know it means I can’t be accepted.
By Jessica Down

Monday 2 December 2013

Ethan and Iann are so persausive that I want 2 of these now!

This Domino couch is such a comfy treat for you. It feels like you are sitting on a magical couch in heaven. It is reduced down to $39.99. Buy one get one free.You can have any color and style you want . It is light to carry even into little rooms and your kids can carry it too. It also gives your room style and passion.  People say it is so relaxing!! !
By Ethan and Iann

Caleb and Owen's advert- I think these two are naturals!

Are  you having trouble finding a place to put you childs toys? Well today is your chance, thanks to the brand new store called Big J! And that box to put your stuff in is only $10! It suits any house style- wow!
     In stores now

Here is Korbin and Abi's advert for a plastic bowl!

This limited edition red bowl has its values. Of Course you all have piles of bowls but this red bowl is good for lots of things like going camping. It is 50% off and it is $5.00 limited time only.This is a plastic bowl so there will be no injuries. Kids will love you for buying this bowl. It looks small but it fits lots in and it is very fancy for parties. Kids will get up early to use this bowl.This bowl comes in different colors.Buy 2 get one free !All sizes.